Thursday, June 6, 2019

Evolution Theory Essay Example for Free

Evolution Theory EssayDarwin spent five years exploring the world. Darwin travelled to many places mainly in the Southern Hemisphere. As he traveled from place to place, Darwin was surprised, by the similarities between the species. He wrote in his journal of the Galapagos Islands, there is even a difference between the inhabitants of the polar islands yet all suggest a marked relationship with those of America, though separated from that continent by an open space of ocean, between 500 and 600 miles in width. At this early constitute of his life, along with graduating college Darwin soon began collecting evidence for his theory of Evolution and natural selection. While on his journey Darwin made many observations. They were mainly about the different species he saw on the Galapagos Islands. Each island had a different variation of birds. He notice that the beak sizes of the finches were different on each island because of the size seeds they ate.Darwin noticed that organism s reproduce more offspring than can survive. Each individual offspring has unique characteristics that can be hereditable. Most of Darwins observations focused on the image of natural adaptions. Darwin noticed that the body parts an animal used the most for survival, evolved all over periods of time. Meaning if a giraffe tends to use its neck a lot, it provide extend in length throughout time. This is an organisms natural adaption to, living within its environment. These observations lead to the theory of Evolution. Aside from this Darwin observed the competitive knowledge domain among organisms. An organisms physical adaption can either educate or break them. Survival of the fittest is key in every habitat. Through evolution, organisms have been allowed to build up physical and behavioral adaptions that can be beneficial towards survival.In his theory Darwin states that organisms have visible differences. This difference can be inherited from the offsprings parents. Another p oint is that organisms produce more offspring than can survive. From these organisms that are produced, many do not reproduce later on in life. Since so many organisms are reproduced there is a fight for the survival of the fittest. Individuals best suited to their environment survive and reproduce most successfully. The characteristics that make them best suited to their environment are passed on to offspring. Individuals whose characteristics are not as well suited to their environment die or leave fewer offspring.Organisms change over time, this is the theory that Darwin tries to prove known as evolution. It is believed that organism adapt t their environment and change over periods of time. The species that live in fork out day are descendants form those in the past. All organisms on Earth are united by one common ancestor. These are the major(ip) points form Darwins theory of Evolution. I feel that Darwins theory is very accurate. Organisms adapt over time and this adaptions h elp with natural survival. Evolution occurs over periods of time and has leaded us to our modern state. Every organism is the descendant of a prehistoric ancestor. There are visible similarities, but sometimes it may be hard to tell an organisms ancestor. I feel that if changes occur gradually it can be easily noticed that organisms physical, behavioral and outer(a) appearances change.

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